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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Nov 11, 2010

FREE Movie Pass - Till my Heartache Ends

Hello to all avid showbiz portal surfers. It's time to give back to the community. I'll be providing 5 movie passes for free! The movie pass is good for any movie theater.

Here are the mechanics:

1. Like us in our facebook page. The facebook page has just been recently established. It's only a few days old.
2. Leave a comment in Till My Heart Ache Ends.
3. 2 persons will be chosen based on their comments. You may answer the question, why will we give you the movie pass? Or any comment may do.
4. The persons with the best comment will win.
5. 2 persons will win the movie pass.  One person will win 3.  Another one will win 2
6. This is valid only until Friday Nov 12 at 4 pm.
7. Winners will be announced on Friday at 4:30pm in facebook. They will be contacted personally.


Don't forget to like us in our facebook page!