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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Oct 21, 2010


VIVA FILMS hosted a victory party for the success of “Petrang Kabayo”. Vice Ganda’s PR-manager Ogie Diaz announced it earned P107 million at the tills in its first week. Typhoon Juan’s rains can’t stop people from trooping to the theatres. What can Vice Ganda say to his detractors who said it’d be a flop? “Pasalamat na rin ako sa kanila dahil in one way or another nakatulong sila,” he says. “Naging curious ang tao, ayan tuloy, nag-blockbuster.”

Outgoing MTRCB Chair Consoliza La Guardia showed up and even gave Vice a horse figurine to show that everything is now okay between them. But the film’s director, Wenn Deramas, is in a fighting mood. Writer Jobert Sucaldito wrote the film was a flop and Wenn answered him. Jobert then challenged Wenn in his column to a fistfight. What can Wenn say about this? “Huwag mo na lang sagutin,” Ogie tells Wenn. “Victory party ito. Let’s just be positive.”

“Hindi, sasagutin ko yan,” says Wenn. “Ever since ganyan na siya sa’kin, e. Okay lang sa’kin na sabihin mong pangit ang pelikula ko, pero ang pamalita mong flop kahit hindi naman, talagang kailangan na ng suntukan diyan. Sobra na siya, e. Ni hindi kami magkakilala. We’ve never been formally introduced. Then one time, sabi sa’kin ni Malou Santos, sinabi raw ni Jobert, hindi niya ko gusto at pipitikin niya ako. Sa birthday ni Pokwang, binangga ko na yan pagdaan ko, hindi naman kumibo. Siya ang nagsimula nito. Wala akong ginagawang masama sa kanya. Pero ready ako, kahit saang lugar. Hinahamon niya ko, pagbibigyan ko siya. Matagal na kong punong-puno, e. Magpasabi lang siya kung kailan niya gusto at saan.”