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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Oct 6, 2010


DJ MO IS really getting controversial. After his tiff with Luis Alandy (still unresolved), it’s said John Lloyd Cruz is now mad at him and hunting him for revealing in “Paparazzi” that Ruffa Gutierrez continues to gets text messages and calls from Lloydie. It’s said Lloydie’s current flame, Shaina Magdayao, felt so hurt when she learned this and it became a big issue between them. So is DJ Mo scared of having a confrontation with Lloydie? “No, why should I be?” he says. “Kung sa mga multo nga sa ‘White House’, di ako natatakot. Why should I be scared of him when I’m just telling the truth? Kung sana, nagsisinungaling ako, e hindi naman. Kung ayaw niyang mabalita, sana huwag na lang siyang tumawag o mag-text kay Ruffa.”

Ruffa says that although Lloydie calls and texts her, it’s not because they still have a romantic relationship but only because they have remained good friends and she thinks there’s nothing wrong with that.