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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Oct 9, 2010


FANS OF THE Kim Chiu-Gerald Anderson love team are fiercely loyal to their idols. So we’re wondering how they feel now that Jason Abalos is said to be seriously courting Kim after it was announced that she and Gerald have broken up for good. It’s even reported that they date regularly, having dinner in different restos and Kim has told a friend that Jason brightens up her life. Gerald, in turn, is reported to be seriously wooing Bea Alonzo. So what can the fans say about this?

“Kim and Jason, hindi sila bagay, no?” a diehard Kimerald fan wrote us. “Kim is only 20 while Jason is late 20s na. Malayo ang age gap nila. Balikan na lang ni Jason si Bela Padilla. Mas bagay sila. We’re not giving up on Kim and Gerald. We know magkakalapit uli sila, lalo ngayong they’re doing a new movie together, directed by Joey Reyes. Ngayong magkakasama uli sila sa araw-araw na shooting, tiyak na magiging close uli sila to one another. Maski sina Gerald and Bea, hindi rin bagay kasi mas matanda rin si Bea kay Gerald.”