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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Oct 1, 2010


THREE OF THE 18 finalists in TV5’s artista search, “Star Factor”, were eliminated last Sunday: Kyru Sri from Davao, Paul Montecillo and Claire Ruiz. They all shed tears but they’re hoping this will not be the end of their career as TV5 will continue to nurture them as part of their stable. As Claire herself observes: “Sa mga talent search naman, ilang beses nang nangyari na ang mga natatanggal, sumisikat din.” Which is true and the best examples are Cristine Reyes (the first to be eliminated from Starstruck 1) and Sam Milby (from PBB 1).

Tomorrow, you’ll see Annabelle Rama, one of the judges, walking out of Star Factor when they taped the episode. It’s because she didn’t agree with Director Joey Reyes (her director in the movie “Monster Mom”) about the elimination process. One contestant she felt has K (karapatan) to be retained was ousted. “Ang laki ng improvement niya sa dancing at sa acting, so dapat, hindi siya naalis,” she said then walked out. Their head judge, Audie Gemora, sided with Annabelle. “She has a really good eye kung sinong may qualities na mag-artista,” he says. “She gives more importance to looks, e si Joey sa talent. Pero dapat talaga, based on looks muna kasi talent can be developed, mahahasa. Importante, mukhang artista talaga.”

Even Annabelle’s own daughter, Ruffa Gutierrez, who’s hosting “Star Factor” that’s now taped in Broadway Centrum, was shocked by what her mom did. If you want to find out more about Annabelle’s feeling on the issue, you can check her Twitter account at annabellerama2. Aside from her walkout, another incident is when two male hopefuls nearly exchanged blows because one is criticizing the other’s Visayan accent.