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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Apr 5, 2010

Shawn Yao the only female host in Sapul

TV 5's NEW morning show, "Sapul!", starts airing this morning from 5:30 to 7. It has three male hosts (Erwin Tulfo, Martin Andanar and Lourd de Veyra) and one female, newcomer Shawn Yao. TV 5 big wheel Paolo Bediones said Shawn came from out of the blue when they were looking for new talents. "When she sat down sa audition and interview, Wow, we're impressed, she has something. We're looking for someone na kayang makipagbalitaktakan nang sabayan kina Erwin and we got someone who looks so ladylike pero barako rin pagdating sa arguing with sina Erwin."

Born on July 26, 1982, Shawn is half-Chinese and got a master of science degree in management from the University of Asia and the Pacific in 2005. As a student, she used to work part time as photographer for kids in Picture Company. She also did print and TV ads modeling and does editing work for Uno Magazine. "My modeling agent told me to take the audition sa TV 5 and I said, bahala na. I've done sports and events coverage on TV but this is the first time I'd be hosting a live show. I was surprised nang ako ang mapili nila."

How is it working with Erwin, Martin and Lourd? "Martin and Lourd are in their 30s and silang mga kuya ko. Si Erwin, I'd like to call him Tito out of respect kaya lang papatayin ako niyan, kaya kuya ko na rin siya. They're all very supportive at maganda ang bonding naming tatlo sa show."

Someone says she looks Paolo's former girlfriend, Abby Cruz. But Paolo quickly says: "I'm part of TV 5's management team at bawal yang ganyan. Isa pa, may boyfriend na yan."

Shawn admits she has a businessman boyfriend who's cool about her joining showbiz. "He's glad I got this break."