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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Mar 9, 2010

Kandidato features all presedentiables in a unique concept

THERE HAVE been so many presidential fora lately, but if you're still not sure who to vote for, Arnold Clavio's "Kandidato" will be the perfect show for you as it features all the presidentiables in a unique concept that treats each presidential candidate as a job applicant. Arnold, along with Malou Mangahas of the Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism and Howie Severino, ed in chief of GMA News website, will be the panelists who'll interview them. "It'll start with each candidate saying 'Ako si, they state their name, kandidato sa pagkapangulo.' Then they will be asked questions in three categories: easy, average and hard, with each candidate given only 30 seconds to answer each question. Doon sila nape-pressure, sa 30 second time constraint. The easy questions will be about their personality and character. Yung average i's about their platform of government on education, health and corruption. The hard questions comes from the show's staff and the Ateneo Law School who did research on their platforms. You'd easily which candidates are truly focused prepared to tackle each issue.

For its first telecast last Wednesday, the first one featured was Gibo Teodoro who talked about his rift with his uncle Danding Cojuangco. Next to be featured will be Sec. Dick Gordon (March 10), JC delos Reyes (March 24), former Pres. Joseph Estrada (March 31), Sen. Noynoy Aquino (April 7), Sen. Manny Villar (April 14), Bro. Eddie Villanueva (April 21), Nick Perlas (April 28) and Atty. Vetellano Acosta (May 5). The first question to be asked to each of them is: "Have you ever lied?" (Most said they lied to their parents about smoking.) The last question is "Why should people vote for you?"

"Kandidato" is aired Wednesdays after "Saksi". Will Arnold run for public office someday? "Hindi siguro. Nakakatulong din naman ako sa tao with my Igan Foundation." Is it true he was offered to move to TV 5? "All I can say is mananatili akong isang Kapuso."