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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Feb 13, 2010

Rhian Ramos as top model and actress in 2010 Asia Model Festival Awards

RHIAN RAMOS is elated that her "Almost a Love Story" on "Dear Friend", shown Sundays after SOP, rated well. "I'm really thankful kahit sino kapareha ko, nagugustuhan ng viewers, like this story with TJ Trinidad as my leading man," she says. "Last Sunday, my parents ordered him arrested by cops as they thought he's molesting me, a minor at 15. In today's episode, we'll see each other again after six years. May fiance na ko, Paolo Avelino, and may girlfriend din siya, Arci Munoz, but it soon becomes apparent we still care for each other."

How was her experience in Korea where she was cited as top model and actress by the prestigious 2010 Asia Model Festival Awards, along with Victor Aliwalas of GMA Artist Center. "It's a great experience. Being Jodi in 'Stairway to Heaven' made me gain even Korean fans. 13 Asian countries participated and we were seated with top Korean stars like 2PM and 4Minute and popular Koreanovela heartthrobs Yoo Sun and Ji Sung. Sobra lang ang lamig kasi it's winter talagang manginginig ka sa ginaw."
Rhian and Victor were dressed up by Francis Libiran. Part of the Philippine delegation were GMA Artist Center head Ida Ramos Henares, Lou Gopez of Talent Development and Rhian's handler, Michael Uycoco. "Everyone's very warm to us and gave us VIP treatment," adds Rhian.