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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Feb 2, 2010

Mother Lily endorses Mar Roxas

MOTHER LILY hosted a dinner to show her support to the vice presidential bid of Sen. Mar Roxas, whose wife, Korina Sanchez, was there by his side. "As the missus, I've been trained not to talk too much, but I really want to thank Mother Lily for her support," says Korina. "Mother, hindi ka namin bibiguin."

"Di ko bibigyan si Mother ng dahilan para magsisi na ine-endorse niya ko," adds Mar.
So how's married life? "I'm very, very happy," says Sen. Mar. "The wedding was magical. It's such a high point in my life. Tuwang-tuwa akong may isang Korina na tinanggap ako as her husband. From that day, it got better and better pa. I can't describe how wonderful life is with her. May mga adjustment pa rin, but as whole we have a lot of fun and our foundation is love so kahit may rough patches, naaayos agad. One time na we had a misunderstanding, pagharap ko sa salamin sa banyo, may sulat siya roon saying 'I may be pouting but I will always love you'. I really recommend marriage very highly."

"Ako, enjoy na enjoy," says Korina. "Before, my life was just one deadline after another. Now, I can afford to wake up late. Slower ang pace ko. Palinis-linis ako ng bahay. I'm not even in a hurry to put on make up. I'm just here para sundin kung ano ang iutos niya."

They just came from a one-week honeymoon in Japan. May nabuo ba sila roon? "Wala pang nabuo, but we keep on trying, but as in life, it's in the trying and the journey where the happiness is."

"One miracle at a time lang," says Korina. "Yung kasal namin, sino ba ang mag-aakalang ikakasal pa ko? Miracle na yun. So yung anak, at saka na yan."
Sen. Mar is happy that he continues to lead among the vice presidential candidates in the SWS surveys. "Big honor for me ang trust shown by our kababayans," he says. "I will not disappoint our countrymen."

As for Korina, she just topped the poll for the most trusted personality of 2009 with a rating of more than 50% plus. She and Mar really make a formidable tandem.