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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Feb 6, 2010

How Regine Tolentino maintains a 22 inch waistline

ACTRESS-TV host Marissa del Mar launched Regine Tolentino as the endorser of the food supplement she's promoting A Fucoidan from Japan. If you'd see Regine now, you won't suspect she has two daughters, Rain, 11, and Regan, 9. Her waistline is only 22 inches! "Thanks to A Fucoidan," she says. "I started taking it last October and it really helps in losing weight. In three days, I felt the effect of A Fucoidan on my skin. Never na kong nagka-pimples and I now feel so strong and healthy. The secret is in the brown seaweed of A Fucoidan that contains complex carbohydrates and anti-oxidants that help prevent tumors and cancer. It also contains CoQ10 and rice bran extract that's good for the heart and with anti-aging properties that prevent wrinkles."

Marissa del Mar herself is a walking example of the wonders her product can do. She remains young looking and energetic as when she was still active in the movies in the 80s. "Remember that the quality of our lives is tied to the quality of our health," she says. "You may have lots of money but if you're sickly, you won't enjoy life. So invest in your well being like me and take A Fucoidan brown seaweed from Japan na pampaganda na, pampahaba pa ng buhay."

Regine is still regularly seen as a judge in "Shall We Dance" on TV 5 and as Jean Garcia's confidante in the hit afternoon soap, "Ina, Kasusuklaman Ba Kita?"