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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Feb 8, 2010

Billy Crawford and Nikki Gil don't hide their relationship

BILLY CRAWFORD and Nikki Gil don't hide their relationship like other stars who just keep saying "we're friends". How long have they been on? "Last Valentine, on na kami, so more than a year na," says Nikki.

What are each other's most endearing qualities? "Her heart and passion for the relationship," says Billy. "Sobrang understanding siya at masarap kasama."

"I like he's being very proper, may good breeding," says Nikki. "He knows how to interact with all kinds of people. He can be very appropriate when talking with older people but he can also be jologs when he's with people in our age group. I also like that he can laugh at himself as it takes a lot of confidence for a man to be able to do that."