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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Jan 31, 2010

Ruffa keeps mum on John Lloyd

WHAT CAN RUFFA GUTIERREZ, who left "The Buzz" last Sunday to go abroad, say to the rumor that she's the reason why John Lloyd Cruz was seen drunk in a bar recently? "I don't think I should say anything about that," she says. "It's all speculation. All I can say is that I'll always consider him my friend. If ever he'd want to reach out, I'll just be here. But I'd rather not give any unsolicited comment or advice. His family should be the one to give him advice. Also, it's not my business to make pakialam about personal things, so I'd rather keep quiet. At kung meron man akong ibibigay na advice sa kanya, I'll just text it to him personally kaysa padaanin ko pa sa press.

Now, if you'd ask me about my twin brothers who're celebrating their birthday, I'll talk. For Raymond, I wish he'd be more fit and lean this year at sana, mag-try siya to have an international career as a host kasi he's got what it takes. As for Richard, I know this year will be a better one for him than the last one. Huwag na muna siyang umibig. Inspiration na lang. At ganun din ako. I don't think this is the year for me to fall in love again. Feng shui experts say this is the year of the tiger and my heart will just be torn apart kung iibig ako."